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Mutant Year Zero nuovo video di gameplay

Tactical adventure game, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, fuses XCOM-like, turn-based combat with real-time stealth and exploration, arriving on PC, Xbox, and PS4 on December 4th. Download the full 20-minute gameplay video where Lead Designer Lee Varley and Producer Mark Parker take you through the Sea Titans map.

OSLO, Norway – October 4th, 2018 – The tactical adventure game, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, is just two months away from launching on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 4. Available for digital download on December 4th, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden combines XCOM-like tactical combat with real-time exploration, stealth, and story as it puts players on an unusual journey across a post-human Sweden where anthropomorphic animals scramble to survive in the devastated remains of human civilization.

Today, publisher Funcom and developer The Bearded Ladies, have released 20 minutes of new, unedited gameplay with developer commentary from Lead Designer Lee Varley and Producer Mark Parker.

“Bormin, Dux, and Selma have just exited the Cave of Fear and are heading north towards a place called the House of Bones,” explains Producer Mark Parker. “But first they need to cross the river and to do so they must defeat a large group of zone ghouls who are controlling a massive metal boat.”

The game’s announcement back in February quickly ‘went viral’ thanks to the unique cinematic trailer showing three very unlikely protagonist: Selma the humanoid mutant, Bormin the mutated boar, and Dux, the crossbow-wielding duck. Following successful demos of the game at GDC, E3, and GamesCom, feedback has been great, and the game has received numerous “Best of Show” awards.

Now available for PC pre-order on, the game will be available in a Standard Edition ($34.99) and a Deluxe Edition ($54.99). The Deluxe Edition includes a desktop wallpaper, digital artbook, digital soundtrack, and a digital copy of the Mutant Year Zero pen-and-paper RPG book. Pre-ordering the Standard Edition will give you a three-day head start at launch while pre-ordering the Deluxe Edition gives you the same head start as well as access to a Beta version of the game before launch.