
Avete il custom firmware su PS3? Sarete bannati!

Questa la news apparsa sul sito ufficiale PlayStation americano.

In parole povere, se utilizzate software piratato e avete la PS3 modificata, verrete bannati da tutti i servizi online Sony.

Al momento non è chiaro se la console rimanga operativa o meno.


In Italia non è ancora stata confermata la notizia.


News : Consumer Alerts

Important Notice: Access to the PlayStation®Network and Access to Sony Entertainment Network Services

Dear valued PlayStation®3 customers,

Unauthorized software for the PlayStation®3 system was recently released by hackers. Use of such software violates the terms of the “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation®3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation®Network/Sony Entertainment Network and its Community Code of Conduct provisions.

Violation of the System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation®3 system invalidates the consumer’s right to access that system. Consumers running unauthorized or pirated software may have their access to the PlayStation®Network and access to Sony Entertainment Network services through PlayStation®3 system terminated permanently.
To avoid permanent termination, consumers must immediately cease using and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation®3 systems.

In order to help provide a safe, fair, online environment, consumers who we believe violate “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation®Network/Sony Entertainment Network or the applicable laws or regulations of their country or region risk having access to the PlayStation®Network and access to Sony Entertainment Network services terminated permanently.